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Videogame index: B

Title Genre Rating Description
Baba Is YouLogic Puzzle7.7Interesting Sokoban-esque puzzler based around manipulating the rules of the level
BabbdiFirst-Person Exploration7.0Surreal walking sim set in a desolate brutalist town
Bad Mojo Redux ★Adventure8.6 Insanely atmospheric, FMV-laden surreal adventure game where you play as a cockroach. The steam version has some issues on modern hardware.
Baldi's Basics PlusHorror / Parody6.4Inexplicably popular Horror maze-game parodying late 90s edutainment games
Balloon FightPlatformer5.1One of the less well remembered NES launch titles, and with good reason
BarotraumaSubmarine Simulation7.7Pilot a submarine through the hostile waters of Europa, a moon of Jupiter. Lots of fun in co-op.
BattleBlock TheaterPuzzle-Platformer8.2By the makers of Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers
BayonettaSpectacle Fighter6.7Stylish combat and eclectic design bogged down by quicktime events and frustrating platforming sections.
Bayonetta 2 ★Spectacle Fighter9.0Fixes most of the original's flaws and ends up being one of the best games on the platform
BeaconRoguelite Top-Down Shooter6.2A bit like Synthetik, if it was painfully mediocre and unengaging.
Beautiful Mystic SurvivorsTop-Down Shooter5.4Supremely uninteresting and generic Anime/Fantasy-themed Vampire Survivors clone.
BeckettExperimental Adventure game6.1Pretentious art game bogwash with a few interesting sections
The Beginner's GuideExperimental Exploration game8.2 By the makers of The Stanley Parable. Weird postmodern meta-fuckery, but actually manages to bring its point across without going too far up its own ass. Bonus points for how much it pisses some people off.
Be Not Afraid A.K.A. Seraphim's Horror Show!?Experimental Microgame compilation5.7 Genuinely weird with a unique visual style, but the gameplay's too terrible to recommend
Berserk ModeRoguelite Retro-FPS6.9Notable for its strong melee-focus
BesiegePhysics Sandbox7.2Construct bizarre vehicles to take down a variety of medieval fortifications
Betrayal at Club LowAdventure / CRPG8.0 Surreal, dialogue-focused comedy-RPG about infiltrating a nightclub
Beyond CitadelRetro-FPS8.3Mostly feels like an expanded, more polished version of its predecessor.
Beyond Crimson StarsExploration6.9 Another surreal walking sim. Wildly inconsistent, but with some really good bits, especially when it lets loose and fully embraces chaos.
The Binding of IsaacRoguelite Top-Down Shooter8.1 Still just one step removed from a flash game at this point. Already pretty fun, but there's really no point to playing this version over Rebirth.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth ★Roguelite Top-Down Shooter9.4The king of Roguelites. Unmatched in terms of content and run variety.
BioShock ★First-Person Shooter9.3Top-notch presentation and writing make up for light deficiencies on the gameplay front
BioShock 2 ★First-Person Shooter8.6Generally seen as a step-down, mainly due to the weaker story. Still very good though.
BioShock InfiniteFirst-Person Shooter7.7 The flawed and pretentious story and heavily streamlined gameplay make this one the weakest entry in the franchise, despite the stellar environment design
Black MesaFirst-Person Shooter8.2 Source-powered remake of the original Half-Life. Very good overall, even if the completely revamped Xen levels drag it down quite a bit.
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift ExtendOne-on-One Fighter7.7
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma ExtendOne-on-One Fighter7.9
BlazBlue: CentralfictionOne-on-One Fighter7.8
BleedAction-Platformer7.2Megaman-esque level design coupled with John Woo-inspired slo-mo gunplay.
Blood ★Retro-FPS9.6 May be my personal favourite FPS ever made. Can be unreasonably difficult at times, but makes up for it with unmatched level and weapon design.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightMetroidvania8.5A castlevania game in all but name
Bloons TD 4Tower Defense8.3
Bloons TD 5Tower Defense8.4
Boa RetinaNarrative4.5Short narrative-focused experimental art game about transgenderism.
Boneraiser Minions ★Top-Down Roguelite Action-RPG9.0 Play as a necromancer raising an army of minions to take down waves of enemies. Lots of fun, with plenty of run variety.
BorderlandsFirst-Person Shooter5.6Features less of the wacky humor the series became (in)famous for. Too repetitive for single player.
Borderlands 2First-Person Shooter7.7 Takes BL1's foundation and adds more variety. Overall pretty fun, especially in co-op. The writing's an acquired taste however.
Borderlands: The Pre-SequelFirst-Person Shooter6.7Basically just BL2 with a less interesting overworld
Borderlands 3First-Person Shooter6.5The best gameplay in the series, coupled with some of the most god-awful writing I've ever seen
Boson XPlatformer5.1
BPM: Bullets Per MinuteRoguelite Rhythm-FPS5.2Interesting concept, shame about the music, presentation, gameplay and just about everything else
Brave DungeonJRPG / Dungeon Crawler7.4Simplistic, but decently enjoyable
BRAZILIAN DRUG DEALER 3: I OPENED A PORTAL TO HELL IN THE FAVELA TRYING TO REVIVE MIT AIA I NEED TO CLOSE ITRetro-FPS7.0 Brazilian Quake mod with level design so abstract and incomprehensible that it makes Cruelty Squad look like Half-Life.
Brigador ★Isometric Shooter9.1 Semi-tactical mech-based shooter with top marks in presentation, writing and gameplay
Brigand: OaxacaImmersive Sim / FPS-RPG7.0Bizarre, overly difficult jankfest that rightfully became a bit of a cult-classic
BringrisBlock Puzzler7.0Non-euclidean tetris by the maker of HyperRogue
Broforce ★Action-Platformer8.6Challenging and humorous, with fully destructible environments. Turns into a hilarious chaotic mess with multiple players.
Broken CoreAction-Platformer5.0Clunky and amateurish
Broken RealityExploration / First-Person Platfomer8.2Vaporwave-themed walking sim with light adventure elements. Nice presentation and atmosphere.
BrotatoTop-Down Shooter8.1 Obviously inspired by Vampire Survivors. Extremely simplistic presentation and gameplay, but great build variety.
Brütal LegendOpen-World Hack 'n Slash / Real-Time Strategy7.8 An odd genre-fusion held together with a strong heavy metal aesthetic. Deeply flawed, but enjoyable all the same.
BulletGardenVertical Shoot 'em Up7.2Mostly notable for the varied and bizarre weapon roster
BulletStormFirst-Person Shooter3.3Similarly terrible writing as Borderlands 3, but doesn't even have fun gameplay to make up for it
Bunker PunksRoguelite Retro-FPS6.8Pretty bare-bones, almost to the point of feeling unfinished
Burnout ParadiseOpen-World Arcade Racer7.5Enjoyable, but suffers from a fair bit of repetition
BytepathAsteroids-clone8.6Roguelite-influenced, with a massive upgrade tree