Mind Scanners review

Mind Scanners has quite a lot going for it with its intriguing premise (working as a traveling shrink in the far-flung cyberpunk future), decent writing, charming artstyle and solid sound design, none of which manage to distract from the boring and annoying gameplay. The spectre of "Papers, Please" looms heavily over the entirety of Mind Scanners, but whereas checking peoples documents was a fairly swift process which grew in complexity as the plot progressed, fixing peoples brains is instead realised through increasingly long and arduous sequences of repetitive minigames, like a WarioWare game with a tenth of the variety and none of the charm. There's problems beyond that, mostly with the rather uninvolving and glacially slow-paced plot, but it's really the gameplay that kills it. Pass.

Final rating: 5.9/10

originally written on 01/12/2022