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Videogame index: P
- Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ - 7.4
- Pagan: Autogeny - 4.2
- Painkiller - 8.4
- Painkiller: Overdose - 6.8
- PAKO 2 - 7.8
- Papers, Please - 8.8
- Paradigm - 7.2
- Paranautical Activity - 4.4
- Paratopic - 7.8
- Payday 2 - 5.7
- Penance - 5.2
- People Playground - 7.3
- Perilous Warp - 4.8
- Picayune Dreams - 9.0
- Pixelpunk - 5.2
- Plague Inc: Evolved - 6.3
- Planetary Annihilation - 3.6
- Please - 7.7
- Please Follow - 6.9
- Plunge - 7.8
- The Plutonia Experiment - 8.1
- Poker Night at the Inventory - 7.5
- Poker Night 2 - 7.6
- Polarity - 5.4
- Portal - 8.6
- Portal 2 - 9.6
- Post Void - 9.2
- Postal: Redux - 7.4
- Postal 2 - 8.7
- Postal: Apocalypse Weekend - 6.4
- Postal: Paradise Lost - 7.5
- Postal: Brain Damaged - 8.5
- PowerSlave Exhumed - 6.4
- Prey (2006) - 7.7
- Prey (2017) - 8.4
- Prison Architect - 8.4
- The Procession to Calvary
- Prodeus - 6.7
- Project Starship - 6.4
- Project Warlock - 7.5
- Psikodelya - 3.2
- Punch Quest - 7.5